About Us

The Compass Security Studies Community (PUGAT) was founded in 2021, as an independent think and research community, by people most of whom served formerly in the security bureaucracy.

The unlawfulness and dictatorial practices in Turkey in recent years have created many devastating effects on freedom and security in the field of sociological, political, economic, foreign relations and media in the local, regional and global sense.
PUGAT aims to analyze these problems in depth and contribute to the solution of problems and the comprising of a democratic world.
PUGAT believes that one of the most considerable steps in the construction of global security is ensuring the security of individuals without neglecting the ethical dimensions of security.

It is among the objectives of PUGAT to reveal the parameters and security concerns that affect the security perceptions of individuals, communities and countries, with experience from past to present, and to contribute to the required solutions with alternative security policies that prioritize the principles of peace, equality, justice and rule of law.

Conducting its activities with the awareness that differences are an important wealth, PUGAT aims to contribute to the national and international public opinion with unbiased and independent ideas.

PUGAT’s Basic Publication and Usage Principles
In the published articles;

Any publishing that restricts the freedom of thought, conscience and expression cannot be allowed.

Any person, institution, organization, community or state cannot be condemned or humiliated on the grounds of their race, gender, social level and religious beliefs.

Expressions that go beyond the limits of criticism and insult individuals and organizations or that are slanderous cannot be included.
Quotations can be made from the articles published on the site by referring the source. Publishing the articles as a whole on printed or digital platforms is subject to permission.
